Sunday, December 23, 2007
Almost Christmas!!
Well I think the most exciting thing about this week is just the anticipation of Christmas. Christmas comes and goes so fast you really don’t have time to enjoy. I know my Christmas is very busy. We are usually gone all day except for a few hours in the morning to open presents. That’s why Christmas Eve is usually a lot more fun to me then Christmas day. You can still kind of relax and you have all day to be excited. Just to sit and think about the presents you will be getting and the presents you are giving is fun. I always like to think about what I have got in the past and how much fun I had playing with them on Christmas morning. I love giving, though I always definitely love to receive gifts I think is way fun to see the people’s faces when they open the present you gave them. This Christmas I participated in two Sub for Santas. The first one was for Young Mens. Our scout leader said that we couldn’t use any of the churches budget. So we had to come up with our own way to make money. We decided that we would take things that we didn’t use anymore and sell them on ebay. They were up for bid for a week and we ended up getting almost four hundred dollars for all of our stuff. That was a lot of money. There are three kids. One boy our age and two little kids like less than five years old. Last week we went shopping to Target to get all of the items. We spent four hundred dollars in presents and food to give to the family. Then Sunday my Young Mens group got together to wrap the presents and make the dinner so we could drop it off that night. It was fun really fun actually just to get together to talk and just have fun. So we cooked dinner and as soon as it was done we gave it to the family. I personally didn’t go because they wouldn’t let me. Since this person currently goes to our school and chances are I know him they didn’t want it to be awkward for me or for the kid to know that I knew that he was really poor and we had to give him Christmas if that makes any sense. After the dinner and presents got dropped off we ate a Christmas dinner ourselves that our leader made. We talked and had a good time then went home. So as usual as everybody says just remember the true meaning of Christmas. Also remember those who are less fortunate than us. We have it pretty good getting a lot of the things we want. There are lots of people out there that have a hard time just affording to eat and really just plain stay alive. I know on Christmas morning I will just be thinking about the family that we gave Christmas to and the joy that they are having because of a few kids.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ho Ho Ho Merry Tubachristmas!!
This week I had a lot of tuba playing. We rehearsed a lot for the band concert. I had to stay after school Monday, Tuesday and then I had a concert on Wednesday night. The concert went really well I thought. Then again tomorrow (Monday) we have an assembly where guess what. We are performing again twice, at First assembly and second assembly. Like I mentioned last week Saturday was Tubachristmas at the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City. It is where a bunch of tuba players from all around Utah and even some from all around the county get together to perform Christmas music for the public. The past little while it has been at the Gateway next to the fountain. This year was the 34th performance in Utah. I have played in it for the past two years and plan to keep playing in it. It all starts with a rehearsal in side that really really old high school I think its West High. Then after the rehearsal we went shopping around in the mall. I just wandered around killing time until the performance. Then we were sitting on some benches next to the fountain when this lady comes out of the Apple store pushing this cart around with two really nice computers on it. She was an employee for Apple and was taking the new computers to this lady’s van. She had bought the computers and the Apple lady was there to load them into her car. So as she was crossing the street in her really big high heels (that clomp really loud) she hit a bump and the computer on the top goes falling off the cart and goes splat on the ground. “Oh no!” Cries the Apple lady as she rushes over to pick up the fallen machine. (She wasn’t the brightest person ever you could tell this by the way she said oh no.) After she places the computer back onto the cart and finishes wheeling the computers to the lady’s van. Then she opens up the back of the van loads in the computer and the lady drives away. I couldn’t believe it. I would have expected the lady to go back into the store to get another one because she threw the other on the ground but no she still just gave it to the person who bought it. So after that whole incident I went and performed successfully and went out to Crown Burger after. Then I went to the dance thing that night. It was my second one but I plan to go to them all. They are having a dancing contest in a few months. It is a Latin theme. I will probably enter. We will see I willll keep you updated and let you know about my dancing Ha Ha Ha Ha
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Movies, Pancakes, Tubas and More!
Saturday was a crazy but fun day. I had a ward Christmas party in the morning that started at nine o’clock. But before that I had a meeting I had to go to that started at seven o clock. That’s really early on a Saturday morning. So after that we spent all day running errands that needed to be done. My little brother had a basketball game at five thirty so we went to that then straight afterwards I went to the mall. I can never go to the mall and just look around with our finding something that I like. Then when I find that something I like I always buy it. That’s why I can’t go to the mall to often or else I would have spent all my money. Anyway as I was wandering around there my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go see a movie with him and his dad. I told him yes and at about 8:45 they cam and picked me up. We went to go see “The Golden Compass”. It was very interesting but I have to say that I enjoyed it. It’s about these people from like another planet or something, and their souls live outside of their body in the form of an animal. Then this evil lady shows up and starts separating the souls form their bodies. I don’t know it was kind of strange but it was still pretty good. Then after that it was like 11:35 at night and we decided that we were hungry. We were driving along then we decided that we wanted to go to IHOP. I was shocked how busy it was. There were lots of people eating and when we were leaving out the door there was a line of people waiting for a table. I was amazed that people would even go out that late but let alone to go eat! So anyway it was like way fun and they had way good food. He wants to go see another movie next week so maybe we will have a ton of fun again then too. Oh and speaking of next week, its Tubachristmas. Its where a bunch of tuba players from around Utah go and play Christmas music at the Gateway for all the holiday shoppers. Since I play the tuba im going to go play with the tuba band. This will be my second Tubachristmas. I went last year and had a blast. I usually go play in the concert then go do a little shopping my self a little later. (Speaking of going to the mall and always spending money. Ha Ha Ha) Last year at Tubachristmas we saw Matt Harpring from the Utah Jazz doing some shopping. It should be way fun again this year as long as it doesn’t snow or rain on us. Which would be really bad since its outside by the fountain. In case you want to come it starts at 1:00 at the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake. Just look for the really big shiny instruments by the fountain! (Its extra credit for band if you come too!)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It Snowed!
Wow I can’t believe it is almost Christmas. Weird. I can’t believe it snowed, so much too. Weird. I don’t know if I like the snow though it’s kind of nice for a change. I think if it’s going to be cold it should just snow. I don’t want it to look nice and warm outside but when you go out and feel its really 15 degrees that’s the worst. So anyway changing the subject from weather. Last term I entered and essay contest for the assignment of this class. I had no intentions of winning at all. I wrote it in like five minutes at 12:30 at night because I was tired and wanted to go to bed. So I kind of just threw something together to get it done. Well it turns out that they accepted my essay to be published in a book. So here is my essay, what’s going to be published in the book.
School Lunch
Sometimes I think that School lunch is terrible. I think that it is a waste of money and even sometimes a waste of time. Sometimes I like the food the serve in the lunch line, but I don’t agree we should charge a whole two dollars for it. Then there are other days that lunch is just plain gross. Every year the school lunch prices just go up. Now wouldn’t someone think that with the more money would lead to adding new food to the menu? Or at least give you more of it? We pay a ridiculous amount of money for very small portions of nasty food. KUTV 2 reports that state nutrition services visited every school in the state of Utah and came out with grades on the lunch program. Jordan School District in Salt Lake City an F while Davis School District got a barely passing C-. I thought it was a good thing we were failing because we might get good food. But the reason they failed was they say the food isn’t healthy enough! The reason they are feeding us small portions of unpleasant food is because it’s healthy! The state decided that they need a more vegan style menu. I wonder how can inspectors can come to schools and get mad because the vending machine purchase rate is too high. People like to eat food worth eating. Lets make it better.
So if you scroll way way way down in my blog list (or just click on the "School Lunch" heading above the essay) this may look a little familiar to you. Well that’s because that’s all it is, just that blog modified to fit the rules. I don’t know if it will make a difference in the world. Whether its better lunch or just letting us keep the vending machines I don’t know. Or maybe it won’t make a difference at all. Maybe I will win the one thousand dollar prize money. That may be good enough for me because then that will buy my all the lunch I want when I can drive to get my own lunch in 8 months instead of relying on school lunch all the time.
School Lunch
Sometimes I think that School lunch is terrible. I think that it is a waste of money and even sometimes a waste of time. Sometimes I like the food the serve in the lunch line, but I don’t agree we should charge a whole two dollars for it. Then there are other days that lunch is just plain gross. Every year the school lunch prices just go up. Now wouldn’t someone think that with the more money would lead to adding new food to the menu? Or at least give you more of it? We pay a ridiculous amount of money for very small portions of nasty food. KUTV 2 reports that state nutrition services visited every school in the state of Utah and came out with grades on the lunch program. Jordan School District in Salt Lake City an F while Davis School District got a barely passing C-. I thought it was a good thing we were failing because we might get good food. But the reason they failed was they say the food isn’t healthy enough! The reason they are feeding us small portions of unpleasant food is because it’s healthy! The state decided that they need a more vegan style menu. I wonder how can inspectors can come to schools and get mad because the vending machine purchase rate is too high. People like to eat food worth eating. Lets make it better.
So if you scroll way way way down in my blog list (or just click on the "School Lunch" heading above the essay) this may look a little familiar to you. Well that’s because that’s all it is, just that blog modified to fit the rules. I don’t know if it will make a difference in the world. Whether its better lunch or just letting us keep the vending machines I don’t know. Or maybe it won’t make a difference at all. Maybe I will win the one thousand dollar prize money. That may be good enough for me because then that will buy my all the lunch I want when I can drive to get my own lunch in 8 months instead of relying on school lunch all the time.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Surfing in November! (And in Utah!)
Well this week was a perfect week and I had so much fun. After my short week of school I had to waste time until my best friend flew in on his airplane really late. So my best friend moved to Tennessee the summer of my sixth grade year. It is tradition that he comes out to visit every Christmas and the summer when school gets out. So this year they decided that instead of coming for Christmas they would want to come for Thanksgiving so they could experience their first Tennessee Christmas. So he flew out on Tuesday and he was going to spend that night at my house. So his plane came in at 11:30 and he got to my house at midnight. Then he was all hyper because he was all excited to be here and stuff. So he got here we talked then I convinced him to go to sleep. Then the next morning we got up and went surfing. I don’t know how many of you have been to the Salomon Center that I mentioned in my last blog. But that’s where we did it. They have this thing called Flowrider. It’s this platform thing that the shoot jets of water over. Then you jump onto it and the moving water makes it like you surfing. That’s the best way I can explain it. Anyway it was so much fun. First I did the boogie boarding. You lie on this boogie board and jump on. The water shoots underneath you and you stay relatively still. Then you can just sit and “go with the flow” (ha ha ha ha) or you can try to do tricks and stuff. I managed to do a barrel roll. Then if you biff it they powerful water flow will throw you up into the air. Then you hit these drain things that hurt. But it’s worth it. I can do the boogie board well but I still have a hard time with the surfing part of it. I can stand up for a little while then I always will fall. So after all that fun was over my friend wanted to go to Crown Burger for lunch. Then after that we went to another friends house. Then later that night went to see the Bourne Ultimatum. It was really good and I really liked it. Then the next morning was Thanksgiving. After I dropped my friend of at his grandmas I went to my own grandmas for my fist Thanksgiving dinner. Then ill be you can guess what I did there. EAT and EAT. Then after that we started the long drive to Draper where my other grandma was having her dinner. So yes my family goes to two dinners on Thanksgiving. Then guess what I did there. We ate again, ate some more. So anyway there is my week. My super uber fun week (there is your word of the day). So if you have a lot of money laying around go do Flowrider its worth it!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Boring Week
Well once again another boring week goes by. But next week will be way fun. So I will wait to tell that to you next week when it happens. So on Monday this week my parents went to the Jazz game with some friends. They got to have this really fancy buffet with Prime Rib and Shrimp and all this stuff in a suite. I was mad I couldn’t go. So instead my grandma came over and we ate pizza and ice cream as we watched Evan Almighty. It actually didn’t turn out to be a very bad night. Tuesday I went to Primary Children’s Hospital to deliver some quilts. My friend for his eagle project made quilts and we went and delivered them to the sick kids. On Wednesday I went to the last little bet of the Honors English party got some ice cream then left. Then I really didn’t do much the rest of the day. I drove my mom and my brother to my brother’s basketball practice then drove back home and did homework. Then on Thursday I did nothing the whole night. Wow really boring isn’t it. Well that leaves me to Friday. I got up went to school oh then I got checked out 11:00 to go to the Layton High Football game. We met my grandpa at Crown Burger is Salt Lake to eat lunch. Then after we ate we started our way up the traffic filled hills up to Rice-Eccles. We got there about half hour early and it was still packed. There were people all over the place and we had a hard time finding a place to sit. But we ended up sitting on the fifty yard line a little way up there up still they were really good seats. So we watched the game (too bad they lost I really wanted them to win) the drove home afterwards. On the way home we had to stop at the store to get some groceries. We happened to pass the exit ramp that the team was getting of on the bus. So once the three school buses passed through the intersection six cop cars and a fire truck pulled out onto the road, around the busses. They turned on their lights and sirens and paraded the school bus through the city to the school in celebration. I thought that was cool that they did that even though they lost. So anyway then on Saturday I got up slaved away in the yard doing lots of yard work. Then after that I went to my little brothers basketball game and came home to read my book for the term project in Cobia. That was my way fun week. But I PROMISE that my next blog will be tons better because I have a lot of fun things planned for the new week.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Fun Fun Fun
This week I went to the Solomon Center twice. For those of you who don’t know what that is that is the place in Ogden that took the place of the mall. It has the Indoor Skydiving, Surfing, Rock Climbing, Arcade, Bowling Alley and places to eat. So on Monday since we didn’t have school my family decided to go there and eat lunch and watch all the fun. So we got there wandered around the arcade and went to eat pizza at the Pizza factory. I got the humungo cinnamon and sugar breadtwist (you know those little breadsticks they twist on a stick) and had a hard time eating it because it was so big. Then after I managed to eat the rather large bread thing and my pizza my family wandered up stairs to where they have Ifly, the indoor skydiving. The best way I can explain it to you is there is this big glass tube with a really big fan in the bottom of it. Then they turn up the fan so the wind is well over 100mph. We really wanted to watch somebody try it out and while we were waiting this really old couple walked into the room. They got on the funny looking jumpsuits prepared to go fly. I was like “They are going to fly!” It really surprised me that this old couple would do something so daring. So as the workers fired up the giant fan and the old guy went first. He just jumped into the giant tube and started floating in mid air. It was amazing it looked like so much fun. So after the old guy went it was his wife’s turn. She was scared to death. You could tell because the whole time before she went she had this horrified look on her face. But I think it turned our really well because it seemed like she had a lot of fun. So then the guy went again and he was doing tricks the whole time. He was actually pretty good I could tell that he has done it before. It was funny because the air was blowing the skin on their face and it looked really funny. So then after that we went to watch the surfing. That looks like so much fun also. I really want to do it for a young men’s activity. I had a planning meeting at the Hoskins house, and suggested it to him. We will see if he will let us do it. Oh and by the way Bro. Hoskins is my scoutmaster. (Hoskins had Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Cobia when he was in school and is good friends with Mrs. McEwen.) Anyway I watched all of these ex-surfer dudes from California rent the place to try it out. I looked like so much fun. My little brother has done if for a birthday party and he loved it. I think that I am going to gather a bunch of friends up over Thanksgiving and rent the place. So if you are my friend start saving your money cause chances are I will be calling you soon. Then after we watched them we went home. Then when I went back on Thursday I did the same thing but this time ate at Costa Vida and did the same thing. It was way fun.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
My Week... Again
Well once again nothing special has happened to me over the week or weekend so far. Or nothing else that I have wanted to talk about or share with you. So that means yes I am going to tell you about my week again. Yes even over UEA weekend and Halloween I still have nothing exciting to tell you. Here we go, Monday I slept in then I got up and read The Count all morning because I was hurrying to finish it by Wednesday so I could get all my AR points by the end of the term. So after I read all morning my dad my little brother and I went golfing. After we got back I just stayed home and read some more. Then on Tuesday my dad had to go to Portland on a business trip early in the morning. I got up read some more of my book while my brother was a Basketball practice. Then they got back we ate a Crown Burger then went to Provo for my brother’s soccer game. Then I came home and read even more to finish the book. Then the next day I got up went to school came home and pretty much did nothing the whole night. It was the most boring Halloween ever! I came home went to the store, ate dinner, passed out candy to fifteen trick or treaters since my parents wont let me go trick or treating anymore.. I think that Halloween is becoming a lost holiday. I don’t know about your neighborhood but mine was dead. Nobody was out trick or treating. I remember when we used to spend forty dollars on candy but now its like three bags and that’s enough. So after that terribly boring night I came home and went to bed early. Then on Thursday I came to school went to the Basketball game and saw the win against Mueller Park. Then came home and did nothing once again. (You probably could have guessed that because of the things I have bored you with above.) Then on Friday I came home sat around home and instead of going to the Layton game like I have been for all the home games. I decided to stay home and watch it on T.V. since it was on because they are in the state tournament. (Layton is the best and we are going to win and be the best in the state of Utah!) Then after that I ate dinner then went to be early again for like the fifth time this week. Then on Saturday I got up ate breakfast, then my mom decided that she wanted to see Hairspray at the Kaysville Theater. And she decided that she was going to take the whole family with her. So me my dad and my brother went along with here event though we weren’t really excited about the movie she picked out. But it actually was pretty good. The funniest thing during the whole movie was my dad. He laughed the whole way through it. I really don’t know what was so funny but apparently he thought it was funny. I don’t know. Well that was my week see you in another seven days!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My Week
Well once again I thought this week that I would decide that I would do this a little every night but look it still isn’t happening. So I am going to tell you about my week. On Monday I did nothing, Tuesday I went ice-skating at the Bountiful Bubble for a combined young men’s young women’s activity. Then afterwards my scoutmaster and a few others took us to Burger King afterwards. Then on Wednesday I did nothing again. Then on Thursday I went to Alice in Wonderland the school rhapsody play. I had to go for yearbook to take pictures. It was really good. I at first sat on the floor right up front but that was too close and I almost got kicked in the face a few times when they decided to get up and dance. Then I just about tripped poor little Alice with my feet on accident. So I decided that wasn’t working and got up and went to the back. Where I sat on the counter and used the giant telescopic lens on the camera to take good pictures. So then it is now Friday and the week really flew by fast. When I got home from school Friday me and a friend walked to McDonald’s and got dinner then we stopped on our way home at Dan’s to get pop and brownies. Then we took our food to our church pavilion and at it there. Then on Saturday my little brother had a soccer game that I was going to go to at 8:00 in the morning. Which to me really isn’t that early. But the only thing was that the game was clear in Provo. So when his coach wants him there an hour early that means we had to get up at 5:00 and leave at 5:45 am. Now that’s a little early for me. So we did that came home and went to the Layton High football game. I was going with another friend and we went a little late. So we got there about five minutes into the first quarter and the score was already 28 to 0. We weren’t sure whether to go in our not because it was really clear that Layton was going to win against Spanish Fork. So of course they did with a final score of 48 to 7. Then afterwards I went over to my friend’s house. Then he had to go because my little brother had a basketball game and my friend had to go to his football game. He got to play under the lights at the football stadium at Weber State. I sounded like lots of fun. Then after that I went to the ward Halloween party it was kinda fun except of when somebody decided to barf on the floor and on me. (No not really just they spilled soup all over the floor and me then dumped root beer down my pants.) So with that information you should be able to guess who it was. Then after the party my friend and I rented a movie and watched it that night. It was really good. It was Premonition. I don’t know if you have seen it or not. If you haven’t seen it I would recommend it. It’s a really good thriller movie. So that was my week, and we will see what my week has in store over the UEA weekend.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Goblin Valley
Over the weekend I went to Goblin Valley for a scout camp out, and had a blast. Also I learned a lot: watch out for very large speed limit signs, how much speeding tickets cost, how many calories a Baconator is at Wendy’s, why scouts don’t normally stay in hotels, how small of a town Green River is, wear tall socks with your hiking boots, don’t climb higher than you can get down, and so so much more. So let me tell you about this campout. (I have pictures and a video at the bottom) So after school on Friday we left for the four-hour drive to Green River Utah where we would be staying the night in a hotel. We left around three and drove until Price where we stopped for dinner at Wendy’s. I was starving so I ordered the famous “Baconator”. It was great after I wiped off all the grease. No but I all seriousness it really was good. So on our way out the door to go to the car to finish our journey I went to the front desk ordering place to get a refill on my drink. While I was waiting I saw a Nutrition Facts list and guess how many calories my Baconator was. 830 Calories. I just about threw up. I figured that my whole meal with fries and a drink was 1500 calories. So leaving the restaurant a little queasy I got in the car and about an hour later we made another stop but this one was unexpected. As we entered into another small city called Wellington my scoutmaster didn’t see that the speed limit had changed the speed now to much much lower than we had been traveling. We noticed that right as a cop pulled behind us and turned on his lights. The rather large cop got out of his car and explained to us how there were four 4x10 foot speed limit signs telling us about the change and three more signs before that that said “Reduce Speed Ahead”. Somehow we missed all of those and got an $82 ticket. So after the short stop we continued on until we reached Green River where we would be staying the night in a hotel. We got to the hotel unpacked a little and went to go get ice cream. The problem was there was no ice cream. No restaurants, gas stations, stores or anything else we could find was open, and it was only 8:30 at night. So that should tell you how small of a town it is. We finally found this small little restaurant called Ben’s CafĂ© but it turns out they have no ice cream. So instead we ordered scones nachos and pie. We got back to the hotel about 9:30 played football in the pool and were ready for bed by midnight. All the leaders were in one room and me and three others in another. It was nice because I got a bed all to myself. So after the other three finished playing cards until 1:00 we finally went to bed. We got up the next morning ate breakfast packed up and went to the car. We drove another hour to Goblin Valley. We got out hiked around climbed up the giant rocks, explored caves and had lots of fun. We hiked back to the cars after a morning of fun to eat. Back a few months ago my Bishop bought a Ford Bronco because he likes to go 4-wheeling with his car. So since that’s what he drove to Goblin he decided that he wanted to take us all off-roading in the desert. So I got into my scoutmaster’s GMC Yukon and we went to follow the Bishop in his car. We thought the Yukon wouldn’t make it because it is lower to the ground than the Bronco but we decided we would follow as far as we could. After doing donuts in the sand we set off the 4x4 trail. We hit two intense bumps. One we were going about 60 mph on the dirt road and a small foot deep ditch snuck up on us so we couldn’t stop in time. Then the other we was the same situation but we stopped in time but still was going to fast and the back of the Yukon hit the ground and we all flew up into the air and hit our heads on the roof. After about 1-½ hours of speeding along dirt roads, climbing over rocks and skidding through sand along the trail the Bishop drove into a ditch. He was really stuck. So we got out a tow strap and hooked it to the Yukon and as we pushed and the car pulled we finally got him out. There we turn around there and drove back to the main highway. Then on the way home the weather went from sunny to cloudy to rain to harder rain, to snow, to more snow to blizzard then to slush then more rain all the way home. I am glad the snowplows were out to plow the canyon road or else it would have been really bad. So I eventually got home late Saturday night. As you can probably tell it really was a blast.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
From boring to fun to sad all in one very strange week.
So every week I decide that everyday after school I am going to write a little about what happened that day. So then if I do that I will eventually end up with enough words by Sunday night to just write a little more to sum it all up. But I never actually do it and I end up stressing every Sunday night trying to get it done with all my homework and trying to get to bed somewhat early. So once again its 10:30 at night and I have set a goal in my head to try and write a little every day so I don’t have to do this anymore. Then I set here and try to decide what to write about. But I am going to tell you about my week. So last Monday I came home and did absolutely nothing. Then Tuesday was a lot of fun. So my friend’s parents went out of town to St. George. They left on Saturday and came back Wednesday of last week. But the only thing was they didn’t bring my friend that is my age and left him home alone for the week. So I was my family’s responsibility to kind of watch over him while they were gone. So Tuesday was his last night alone so we had a little fun. We rented two movies: “Sphere” (we had both read the book for science class.) and “The Bourne Ultimatum.” (We had watched “The Bourne Identity” the Saturday before. So first we watched Sphere, I was a terrible movie. I loved the book but the movie was strange, off topic and kind of gross. I really had some kind of grisly parts for only being PG-13.Then we cooked dinner and made a pan of brownies that we ate while we watched The Bourne Ultimatum. I really liked it. I have seen The Bourne Identity like nine times but hadn’t seen the next one until then. It was exciting and suspenseful, but confusing. That is one of the reasons I like the series so much is that even though it is confusing everything seems to still make perfect sense. It just adds to the suspense of the story. Then on Wednesday I went to the Jazz game for a Young Men’s activity. It was so much fun. My neighbor is the head security guard for the Energy Solutions Arena. (Still seems strange to call it that) He is in charge of patrolling the court and escorting the referees of safely. (He had to tackle somebody once and arrest them.) So anyway after the game he took us down onto the court floor. We learned a little about what he does and got a tour of the stadium from behind the scenes. Thursday I sat at home and did nothing. Friday I got home from school and had to go to the doctor to have a mole removed. They game me a little shot and scraped it off with this electric burner razor thing. Then I went to the Layton game. Layton one of course but nobody was really paying attention because that was where we all found out about Scott Nye. There was a big rumor saying that he was dead. Nobody believed it until we all started getting text messages saying: “Pass this on in the beloved memory of Scott.” And “We love and will miss you Scott” Then we all figured out that he really did die. Then when I got home that’s all I could think about all night, and even today and I cant help but wonder "What if it was me?" or "What if I was one of his friends?" watching him get shocked then fall and die. Then call the ambulance and see them try to bring him back to life. It’s just really sad and really hits home that it can happen to anybody. I mean it doesn’t mean as much when you hear about the news and think "Oh that’s sad" but then that’s it. But when you actually know the person and have friends that were really good friends with them it just means a lot more. Just everyone else please remember how precious life is and how easy it is to mess it up or even lose it forever.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
"To spend or not to spend....that is the question."
So once again I have now idea what to write about so I guess I will tell you about my week. Well I guess that I didn’t have much of an exciting week, I really didn’t do much. Lets see… I went to one of my brothers soccer games, I reffed three soccer games and mowed two lawns in the rain Friday after school. (That’s what I do for my job) Well other then that I did nothing. I ate out this week at Applebee’s and The Pie. Well if you didn’t notice im just talking hoping to find something interesting to write about. But its obviously not working. But look I just used word count and have 120 words! So I guess im getting somewhere. Ah just thought of something. When I was reading through what I wrote I read over the part about reffing and me mowing and how that’s my job. Then I though about this, “Do you get to spend the money you earn or do you have to put it in the bank and save it?” Here I am making all this money and my parents wont let me buy anything they make me save all of it. I put $415 dollars in the bank yesterday! And whenever I put money in the bank they wont let me take any of it out, I just never see it again. I get in the same argument with them every time I decide I want to buy something. I see a point in saving money especially when college isn’t really that far away and I will have my drivers license in less then a year, since the cost of gas and insurance keeps going up. So at one time we had and agreement where I could spend $25 dollars for every $100 I put in the bank. Which worked out just fine when I am making a lot of money. But I only made one purchase before they decided that that didn’t work either. But now as I got older I’ve thought about all the stuff I want and they are actually letting me buy some of them. Like I wanted a new bike they said I could buy it and so I picked one out and they said that they would even pay for half of it. I wondered why did they let me buy half of that when my half was A LOT of money. I mean much more than double anything else I ever wanted. But then I realized all the things I wanted before were just like video games and other pointless things that I wanted then but probably would never use again. Kinda like those Christmas presents that you want so bad then you get it and love it…for about the first month, then you all know what happens after that because I know that it has happened to everybody at least once. So I have kindaa drifted off topic but at least you know about my saving (or is it spending?) dilemma. And if you have made it this far in reading my blog please comment and tell me what your parents policy of spending or saving is. Or maybe you don’t have a policy and can spend all you want, or just don’t make any money so you don’t get things. Or maybe you are just rich and ask your parents for anything you want and they buy it for you.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
School Lunch
Well I don’t want to sound like I am a picky eater because I am DEFFINITLY not but I think that School lunch is terrible. I think that it is a waste of money and even sometimes a waste of time. So there are days where I like the food the serve in the lunch line. I don’t know if I agree that they should charge a whole two dollars for it but at least you can stand eating it. But then there are other days the lunch is just plain gross. All they do is slop this auful stuff on your tray and take your money. Every year the school lunch prices just go up and up. Now wouldn’t someone think that they were adding new food to the menu or giving you more food? Well that’s what you would thing but they don’t. They charge you a ridiculous amount of money for a very small portion of food that is nasty. I was watching the news a few weeks ago and the state nutrition services visited every school in the state and came out with grades on the lunch program. Jordan School District in Salt Lake City got a failing F while Davis School District got a barely passing C-. At first I thought that that was a good thing that they were failing so then we actually might get good food. But no the reason they failed was because they say the food isn’t healthy enough! I couldn’t believe it! The reason they are feeding us crap in the first place is because they say that it’s healthy unlike other stuff that they could be serving. Then they come in and decide that it’s still not healthy enough. So they decided that they need a more vegan (vegetarian) style of lunch. I am sorry but the hamburgers they serve for lunch now are bad enough so all we need now is veggie burgers. Yeah right. Then the come to the schools and get mad cause the vending machine purchase rate is too high for the sugary and fattening foods they stock them with. Do they really wonder why? I sure hope not. Well I better stop so I don’t get into trouble for saying all these bad things. It’s kind of sounding like a persuasive essay anyway. So there it is some very good reasons for better lunches.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I had no idea what to write until I asked my parents. They told me to write about something that I know a lot about. So, while I was trying to decide what to write a car drove by my house that I liked. I knew what kind of car it was because I know a lot about them. Then I thought hey I will write about my favorite cars and what I like about them.” So yes, although I play the tuba I also know about cars believe it or not. I am going to go through the categories and tell you which ones are my favorites and tell you a little about them.
1. SUV- Mercedes-Benz G-Class

Well it’s a tie bettween which truck I like better, the F-350 or the F-450. The only differences are the two dual wheels in the back for a wider wheelbase and a standard Diesel engine. The F-450 (Now some people don’t like the two dual wheels. I am one of them. If you like the bigger wheelbase and a much bigger price go for the F-350) So, I am going to choose the F-350. There are 3 different kinds: The 2-door the 2-door with rear half swinging doors, and the 4- door model. This truck also has a big engine it is a Power Stroke Turbo Diesel engine. The engine is a 6.4 Liter V8 which puts out 350 Horsepower. The Turbo Diesel is not standard it’s just most common in the F-350. The standard engine is a 5.4 Liter Triton V8 at 300 Horsepower. Other option’s you can get are: the Diesel or the Triton 6.8 Liter V10 at 362 Horsepower. I am going to tell you about the Diesel. It has Ford Clean Diesel Technology and with emissions like regular gasoline engines. Its Ford’s cleanest, quietest truck diesel ever. Also there’s no change in power or torque. The top speed is145 mph and 0-60 mph at 8.1 seconds. It has six standard seats and roomy interior. One option I like is the folding stairs that comes out of the back of the tailgate so you can get into the back of the truck a lot easier. They start at $38,160 but you will not find the truck you want for that much. If you want the Diesel add another grand or two. So if you want a truck worth driving plan on spending a lot more than that.
1. SUV- Mercedes-Benz G-Class
There are two different models of the G-Class: The G500 and the G55 AMG. The G500 has a 5.0 Liter, V8 with 292 Horsepower. It goes 0-60 mph in 7.4 seconds.(Which is fast for an SUV.) It holds up to 5 adults. The G55 AMG has all the same features as the G-500 except for a few new performance items. The AMG has a 5.5 Liter V8 at 493 Horsepower. It has been AMG tuned and has a Supercharger which helps out. The AMG can go 0-60 mph in an amazing 5.4 seconds with a top speed of 155 mph. The only problem is the price. The G500 starts at $86,200, and the G55 AMG at $109,900.
2. Car-BMW 760Li

2. Car-BMW 760Li
BMW has a 7 Series Line a 750i, 750Li, and a 760Li. I like the 760Li the best. It has a 438 Horsepower, 6.0 Liter, V-12 Engine. 0-60 mph at 5.8 seconds and its top speed is electronically limited to 150 mph. The inside is built to be the ultimate luxury car. Of course it has leather seats, wood trim, and a DVD Navigation System. It also has the option for an in car mini fridge, tv, rotating Tri Zenon Headlights (They follow the road not point in the direction of the car) and my favorite, Head Up Display. Which is a tiny projector that projects the speed of the car and what ever is on the screen of the Navigation System onto the windshield of the car so you don’t have to risk getting into accident while trying to read the directions or adjusting your speed. But, if you want to change your destination the car is also voice activated. This allows you to talk to the cars computer and talk on your Bluetooth Cell phone through your car. All this high end luxury comes to the big starting price of $122,600.
3.Truck-Ford F-350
3.Truck-Ford F-350
Well it’s a tie bettween which truck I like better, the F-350 or the F-450. The only differences are the two dual wheels in the back for a wider wheelbase and a standard Diesel engine. The F-450 (Now some people don’t like the two dual wheels. I am one of them. If you like the bigger wheelbase and a much bigger price go for the F-350) So, I am going to choose the F-350. There are 3 different kinds: The 2-door the 2-door with rear half swinging doors, and the 4- door model. This truck also has a big engine it is a Power Stroke Turbo Diesel engine. The engine is a 6.4 Liter V8 which puts out 350 Horsepower. The Turbo Diesel is not standard it’s just most common in the F-350. The standard engine is a 5.4 Liter Triton V8 at 300 Horsepower. Other option’s you can get are: the Diesel or the Triton 6.8 Liter V10 at 362 Horsepower. I am going to tell you about the Diesel. It has Ford Clean Diesel Technology and with emissions like regular gasoline engines. Its Ford’s cleanest, quietest truck diesel ever. Also there’s no change in power or torque. The top speed is145 mph and 0-60 mph at 8.1 seconds. It has six standard seats and roomy interior. One option I like is the folding stairs that comes out of the back of the tailgate so you can get into the back of the truck a lot easier. They start at $38,160 but you will not find the truck you want for that much. If you want the Diesel add another grand or two. So if you want a truck worth driving plan on spending a lot more than that.
Tune in next week to find out my next three favorite cars!
Monday, September 17, 2007
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