Sunday, September 30, 2007

School Lunch

Well I don’t want to sound like I am a picky eater because I am DEFFINITLY not but I think that School lunch is terrible. I think that it is a waste of money and even sometimes a waste of time. So there are days where I like the food the serve in the lunch line. I don’t know if I agree that they should charge a whole two dollars for it but at least you can stand eating it. But then there are other days the lunch is just plain gross. All they do is slop this auful stuff on your tray and take your money. Every year the school lunch prices just go up and up. Now wouldn’t someone think that they were adding new food to the menu or giving you more food? Well that’s what you would thing but they don’t. They charge you a ridiculous amount of money for a very small portion of food that is nasty. I was watching the news a few weeks ago and the state nutrition services visited every school in the state and came out with grades on the lunch program. Jordan School District in Salt Lake City got a failing F while Davis School District got a barely passing C-. At first I thought that that was a good thing that they were failing so then we actually might get good food. But no the reason they failed was because they say the food isn’t healthy enough! I couldn’t believe it! The reason they are feeding us crap in the first place is because they say that it’s healthy unlike other stuff that they could be serving. Then they come in and decide that it’s still not healthy enough. So they decided that they need a more vegan (vegetarian) style of lunch. I am sorry but the hamburgers they serve for lunch now are bad enough so all we need now is veggie burgers. Yeah right. Then the come to the schools and get mad cause the vending machine purchase rate is too high for the sugary and fattening foods they stock them with. Do they really wonder why? I sure hope not. Well I better stop so I don’t get into trouble for saying all these bad things. It’s kind of sounding like a persuasive essay anyway. So there it is some very good reasons for better lunches.


Kar Kar said...

Also, on top of the nasty unhealthy school food- they run out of it! And then you end up having to eat the even worse stuff. Its gross! If you're going to serve that fake food, at least serve enough of it!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah and pass the gravy, I hate school lunch, which is why I avoid it as much as possible by having my mom make me a lunch, but sometimes I still get stuck with it and spend almost all of lunch period in those ridiculous lines and get gross food that I have to spend the rest of the day picking out of my teeth because it sticks!:(

Rocket Boy said...

I think school lunches are bad too. I think they need to get better tasting food

Panda Girl said...

Yeah and what's kinda gross is that a lot of the school lunches are just lots of old frozen food that they re-heat. Blech! :P

MRT said...

I know there are all sorts of rules that say school lunch has to be somewhat nutritious, but I've seen the grease dripping off the pizza (soaking through four napkins!), and I can't help but wonder.... Here's what still confuses me, though: If so many people say it is so terrible, why don't more of them bring a lunch from home? Why do we just keep putting up with something that is clearly so unsatisfactory?

Brownie Lover said...

And now instead of eating it, you just make scary people out of your food!