Sunday, February 3, 2008
School Sports
What sports do you play? Soccer? Baseball? Football? Well if you play those then you would try out for the school team wouldn’t you? Well I guess you are just out of luck because those sports are not offered in our school or even school district. Throughout this essay I will focus mainly on soccer because that is the sport that I play. But in this paper I am also including Baseball, Football and other sports. I want to know why there is only a very select few sports offered at our school compared to other schools. I feel sports have always brought people together. To learn to work together, trust each other, and become good friends. Think of the revolutionary story of Jackie Robinson and how he changed baseball and the way people look at other races. Which I feel even led to a change of the world. With out sports this story would not exist. Imagine in school you have two different groups of kids. They don’t like each other and fight. Kids in both groups enjoy playing soccer. They all try out for a school team. They have to learn to work together and trust each other. Sports in school would lead to more unity between student’s and most likely lower the amount of high risk kids. If that does not work then we could use the discipline points system. Say that if they get a certain number of points or more than they cannot participate in school athletics. You can also use this for grades. Tell them that if they do not get a high enough GPA then they cannot play and are removed from the team or just bench them and not allow them to play. I have some friends that are very passionate about soccer. I really do feel that if they could not play the sport because of behavior or grades then they would try their very very hardest to improve so they could play. This friend who I just briefly mentioned does go to our school. He truly loves soccer and is very very good at it. He has been playing on a competition league for a very long time and I have been privileged enough to play competition level with him for five years before he moved on to a better team. I feel that he does not get respect at school because he does not play one of the few organized sports that is offered at our school. Basketball players who have seen him play in gym class think he is bad at basketball so that makes them think he is really bad at all the other sports. That is very not true. If only those kids could see him out on a soccer field. Then go out and try to play soccer for themselves they would find out its not as easy as it looks. Even with other sports I feel that there is a bit of bullying going on because sometimes kids can’t always see the persons full potential. My friend trains non stop all year round to be the best he can be for the upcoming soccer season. He runs almost every morning in the very very cold temperatures and sometimes in inches, even feet of snow. When I ask him why he keeps going? Why he keeps training through miserable conditions he just says to me, “It will pay off when the soccer season comes., because I will be that much farther ahead of everybody else.” People would never know how good he really is. Everybody knows that the kids who are good at sports are always the most popular kids. It’s not fair that people just don’t realize there are a lot of sports that are not as well know out there that are also worth noticing. We need all the sports that we can get to help in getting kids in shape. The state and Nations top health officials say that Americas kids are bigger than ever. They have a higher caloric intake and a less active physical lifestyle. If the state and district are telling kids that they are out of shape and overweight why are they not doing anything about it? They make us take gym class. They feed us very bad food because it is healthy and low in calories. This is still not working because I still hear how overweight the youth really are. If they love a sport then they will work at it to be the best they can be. Everybody will do that if they truly love the sport. I feel this is a way to solving the problem of overweight kids. Give them a variety in choosing a sport. They will probably also work at it like my friend to be the best they can be. I think that adding more sports to schools will solve many problems, Obesity, Bullying, Low GPA averages at schools, possibly even money issues. All of these things have been brought up to the school board as problems. They have a very high chance of being fixed with just a few small changes. Mainly the addition of more sports.
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Wow that's a really good essay...
Swimming's a sport too! But it's more individual and such LOL
Well I think you have a good point, but I'm not quite sure about everything you wrote. They have city soccer leagues (AYSO or Kaysville Rec.) They have all sorts of sports in the cities if you look for them. If you put in more school teams, then the city will lose money. Plus it costs the school more money to have all those recreation teams.
Personally I think it's more fun to play soccer in rec anyway! It bonds kids from all over the city, not just one school! I enjoy my rec team so much that I'm not going to try out for the high school team.
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